Extra virgin olive oil: elixir of long life

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Extra virgin olive oil: elixir of long life

It keeps cholesterol levels under control, counteracts cellular aging.

It is used everywhere in Italy: on pasta or simply with bread, in salads or as a condiment for meat and fish.

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the main products of the Mediterranean Diet, it protects our arteries.

This is done by regulating the cholesterol levels circulating in the blood.

This parameter is one of the most important factors related to cardiovascular risk. High levels of LDL cholesterol are a cause of that narrowing of the veins and arteries that can lead to long-term heart attacks and strokes.

With extra virgin olive oil the levels of bad cholesterol are lowered and the good one, known as HDL, is not altered in the slightest.

Extra virgin olive oil therefore represents an excellent form of prevention of cardiovascular risk.

It is also rich in antioxidants, including vitamin E, tocopherol, and several phenolic compounds. All molecules capable of defending our body from premature aging by fighting free radicals, the main causes of cell damage typical of age and capable of damaging DNA and, in the long run, triggering the genesis of tumors.

Thanks to the oil, the antioxidants contained in it neutralize the dangerous radicals thus ensuring longevity to the cells.

But the properties of extra virgin olive oil do not end there.

The digestive system also benefits. The oil is in fact able to reduce the secretions of gastric acids and consequently the danger of ulcers. It also acts on the liver with its high detoxifying power.

The ideal mix of heat resistance and antioxidant content makes it excellent even in the kitchen.